March On 2024 @Esplanade

March On annual kids festival

Image Credit: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

‘March On’ is a special event at Esplanade that happens every year from March 6 to March 17, 2024. It’s a children’s festival where various activities and performances are organized to explore important topics in a fun and interactive way. The festival includes a mix of programs from different artistic fields, offering kids a chance to participate and enjoy the arts in various forms. And in this article, BusyKidd will provide detailed information about each event.

Jungle Book Reimagined

March On annual kids festival Jungle Book performance for kids

Image Credit: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

Take a thrilling journey into a future world where climate issues change. Join a family as they seek safety in a modern city where a child makes surprising friends with wild animals. Akram Khan, a famous dancer, brings us “Jungle Book Reimagined,” a special dance and theater performance. In this show, Mowgli’s story transforms into that of a climate refugee, creating a magical experience for the audience.

Dive into an imaginative world with your family, celebrating the importance of belonging and respecting nature. With an original soundtrack, ten international dancers, and advanced animation, “Jungle Book Reimagined” is an exciting and essential storytelling experience you shouldn’t miss.

The duration of the show is two hours, and there is a 15-minute intermission break.

  • When: 8 Mar 2024, 7.30 pm; 9 Mar 2024, 3 pm
  • Recommended Age: 8+
  • Admission Age: 6+
  • Tickets: S$32
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Shining in Space

March On annual kids festival Shining In Space performance for kids

Image Credit: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

Shining puts everything she thinks and feels in a special notebook and shows it to Star, her favorite stuffed animal. When something bad almost ruins her notebook, Star comes alive and suggests they go on an amazing space adventure with music and stories. Experience Shining’s journey as she makes memories, meets new friends, and discovers space secrets, all told through live music and multimedia. 

The show is one hour long, and there is no intermission.

  • When: 9 Mar 2024, 2.30 pm
  • Recommended Age: 5–8 y.o.
  • Admission Age: 2+
  • Tickets: S$25
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Caliban’s Island

A bunch of kids who survived a shipwreck go on a brave adventure. They want to fix a bad spell that turned grown-ups into weird animals. Prospero, a mysterious wizard, helps them. They need to find special things on a magical island to make a potion and save the adults. It’s up to them to make it happen.

“Caliban’s Island” is a play where the audience gets involved. People act as characters, make tough choices, and complete challenges around Esplanade. The story is inspired by William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”. It talks about redemption, sacrifice, and the strong connection between grown-ups and kids.

The show lasts for one hour and thirty minutes, and there is no break during that time.

  • When: 8–17 Mar 2024
  • Recommended Age: 7+
  • Admission Age: 5+
  • Tickets: S$30
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March On annual kids festival Home performance for kids

Image Credit: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

Take your kids on a special adventure of self-discovery with this captivating visual theater experience. “Home” is all about belonging and feeling comfortable—in the world and within oneself. This performance will make kids curious and encourage them to think about “home” as more than just a place. In a world where people are always moving, “Home” becomes a meaningful story about finding your spot in the world. Discover the enchantment of what it truly means to be at home.

The show lasts for 45 minutes, and there is no break during that time.

  • When: 7–10 Mar 2024
  • Recommended Age: 3–7 y.o.
  • Admission Age: 0+
  • Tickets: S$30
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Aki’s Playground

March On annual kids festival Aki's Playground performance for kids

Image Credit: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

Step into Aki’s Playground, a place for adventurers of all ages to go on an exciting journey through three magical realms. Immerse yourself in a multi-sensory experience that sparks the imagination and calms the senses. Explore mystical forests, travel across cosmic galaxies, and discover oceanic treasures through interactive light and sound displays. Engage in carefully planned workshops that add to the enchantment.

Come and be a part of this captivating adventure designed for everyone, whether you’re young or young at heart. Aki’s Playground is ready, offering an exploration that goes beyond your wildest imagination!

The experience lasts for 45 minutes.

  • When: 14–17 Mar 2024
  • Recommended Age: 3–8 y.o.
  • Admission Age: 0+
  • Tickets: S$15
  • More Details

Cover Image Credit: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

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