Paper Monkey Theatre Open House 2024

Paper Monkey Theatre Open House for kids

Paper Monkey Theatre invites all little friends to take a fantastic adventure – but not an ordinary one. It’s going to be a fascinating, educational, and totally eco-friendly journey to the amazing world of the puppet theatre with tours, workshops, and many surprises. Are you already intrigued? Join BusyKidd to learn more about the Paper Monkey Theatre Open House 2024.

Paper Monkey Theatre opens its doors on May 25 and offers everyone the chance to step into the universe of the Goodman Arts Centre and learn more about the Paper Monkey Theatre, its mission, and upcoming performances. Kids will take a real behind-the-scenes puppetry tour and create incredible one-of-a-kind puppets and unique masterpieces from recycled and reused materials. Be sure to bring an old T-shirt from home – there is a special mission for it!

The Open House’s programme will consist of 2 exhibition tours and 2 workshops, where kids will create a Silly Monster and a Recycled Tote Bag (that’s where your old T-shirt will come in handy). Of course, there will be engaging games, activities, and real prizes as well. Besides, you’ll be able to purchase tasty snacks and lovely souvenirs to take home – and all proceeds will go to support Paper Monkey Theatre’s initiatives.

Paper Monkey Theatre Open House

It’s such an excellent way to have a great family day, learn more about sustainability, and protect Mother Nature!

  • Where: Paper Monkey Treehouse, Goodman Arts Centre, 90 Goodman Road, Block B, #01-05, Singapore 439053
  • When: May 25: 2 PM to 5 PM
  • Age: For all ages
  • More Details

Images Credit: Paper Monkey Theatre

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